Godin Nylon Motif, Solid Cedar Top, Wild Cherry Back & Sides

N° Art.: GO-MTF Marca: Godin Nylon Unità: Pezzo PVI / cadauno: CHF 999.00

The Godin Motif takes its compact dimensions from turn-of-the-century parlor guitars. The compact body of the Motif suggests a ¾ size instrument but this is a full-scale guitar. There is more to the compact body style of the Motif than comfort, this is a serious guitar with many of the same...

Godin Nylon Motif, Solid Cedar Top, Wild Cherry Back & Sides, with Fishman Clasica II electronic

N° Art.: GO-MTF-EQ Marca: Godin Nylon Unità: Pezzo PVI / cadauno: CHF 1,099.00

The Godin Motif takes its compact dimensions from turn-of-the-century parlor guitars. The compact body of the Motif suggests a ¾ size instrument but this is a full-scale guitar. There is more to the compact body style of the Motif than comfort, this is a serious guitar with many of the same...