Artist PEPPINO D'Agostino Signature Cutaway - Dreadnought, tavola in abete massello lucido, fondo e fasce in mogano massello, con sistema d'amplificazione L.R. Baggs Anthem e custodia

Peppino D’Agostino is known for his beautiful, understated melodies, as well as the explosive rhythms that he drums, taps and beats out of his guitar. Add to that a repertoire that requires a different tuning on almost every song and you have a man that demands a lot from his guitar. The Peppino Signature CW Element model features an extra wide nut width of 1.9", as specified by Peppino, providing more generous string spacing for fingerstyle players. This model includes L.R. Baggs Anthem electronics.

Marca Seagull
Unità Pezzo
PVI / cadauno CHF 1,999.00