Maritime SWS CW SG QIT - Dreadnought, tavola in abete massello selezionato, fondo e fasce in mogano massello, semilucido, con sistema d'amplificazione e Cutaway

The Maritime SWS HG, as with all SWS models, features all solid wood construction with a Select Pressure Tested solid spruce top and solid mahogany back & sides.

The Maritime SWS HG also features a semi-gloss Custom Polished Finish with a beautiful satin sheen. This finish provides excellent protection but at the same time is extremely light and elastic.

This is a crucial point in both the sound of the guitar and its ability to age - a thick finish muffles a guitar's vibration and blocks aging. This model includes Fishman Presys II electronics with built-in tuner.

Marca Seagull
Unità Pezzo
PVI / cadauno CHF 1,299.00