Retro Active Maverick Five Set Pickup for Strat, Black

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EMG’s Retro Active technology moves to the single coil arena. Constructed with custom wound coils and Alnico 5 magnets, the Maverick Five Set provides high powered surf Strat tones made famous by California artists like The Chantays, The Surfians, and the king Dick Dale. Each pickup is uniquely voiced to create a brilliant combination when brought together, and stand up to anything position 1, 3 or 5 could ask for. Be prepared for the added punch and power of the active world married to the classic feel of passives. Like our Retro Active Humbuckers you get vintage tone with no buzz or hum. Welcome to the classic Strat tone without the classic Strat noise. Surfs up, bra!

In the Box, package Includes EMG's exclusive Solderless Install System :

  • 1x 25k volume pot
  • 2x 25k tone pot
  • 1x stereo output jack
  • 1x 5 way selector switch
  • 3x pair mounting screws and springs
  • 3x pickup cable
  • 3x connect cables
  • 1x output cable
  • 1x battery cable

Marque EMG
Unité Box
PV Indicatif / pièce CHF 269.00